There is attempt to identify the Turkic-Muslim specifics of knowledge in this article. The genetic method allows us to distinguish unified continuous discourse of science. Abu Nasr al-Farabi was a Turkic thinker, the founder of Arabic-speaking peripatetism. Al-Farabi was born in South Kazakhstan. He lived in the 9th and 10th centuries. There are scientific works in which ideas of al-Farabi were compared with views of Kazakh thinker, enlightener Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904).
Ismail Gasprinsky (1851-1914) was a Crimean Tatar educator, the founder of Jadidism. He mentioned al-Farabi in his writings. Comparative analysis of spiritual heritage of three Turkic thinkers was conducted. Intercultural dialogue was revealed in Al-Farabi’s legacy. The intercultural dialogue between East and West, Turkic spirituality, Islam and the ancient heritage of Greek philosophers (Plato, Aristotle and etc.) contributed to the formation of Turkic-Muslim model of scientific knowledge, containing a complete, comprehensive understanding of the universe, society and man. Abai Kunanbaev and Ismail Gasprinsky represented a man and the universe in an inseparable unity. Both of them saw a way to improve society through intercultural dialogue and interaction between East and West.
Modern global ecological, socio-cultural and political problems cause new cognitive approaches. One of the new cognitive approaches can be the scientific discourse presented in this article. The presented discourse declares an inextricable connection, a priori fusion of theory and practice, science and education.