Tansel Tercan, PhD
Tansel Tercan was born in Istanbul in 1968 and graduated from the Tahran 50th Year High School. For 16 years, he had been a professional volleyball player in various teams of the First Istanbul League. Along with his sports life, he completed his education in Business Administration at the Anadolu University. Along with his sports life, he completed his education in Business Administration at Anadolu University. In 1995, he decided to switch from playing volleyball to the touristic sector, where he started his career development in finances, being the special subject of his studies at the university. Since 2003, for 22 years by now, he has been working as the General Manager at Rixos Hotels, the best international hotel network. Having accomplished his Master’s studies and received his Master’s degree at the Akdeniz University in 2014, he pursued his academic career. He immediately continued his education in the field of Sales Management and Marketing Strategies in the Business Administration Department of United Campus Of Malta (UCM), wherefrom he got his Bachelor’s degree. After completing his studies at UCM, he was appointed as a Professor of Sales Management and Marketing Strategies within UCM. He completed his doctorate (PhD) in the Department of Tourism at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in 2021.
Nurfer Tercan, PhD
Born in Eskişehir in the year 1972, Nurfer Tercan graduated from the Eskişehir Anatolian High School. Having started her professional education with the enrollment at the Tourism and Hospitality Department in Boğaziçi University, she worked as a Sales and Marketing Manager in the touristic sector until 2015. In 2010, she changed her focus from a professional carrer to the academic life. She continued her studies of Sales and Marketing at the Business Administration Faculty in the United Campus of Malta where she also received her Bachelor’s degree. After completing her education at UCM, she was appointed as a Professor in the field of Marketing Processes and Strategies within UCM. She successfully accomplished her education under the sociology specialization at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Based on the decision of the State Evaluation Commision, she succeeded in defending her candidate’s dissertaion and has been awarded with the title of a Candidate of Sociological Science. The subject of her thesis was dedicated to academic and pedagogical researches. She completed her (PhD) in Philosophy and Political Science at Al Farabi Kazakh National University in 2023.